Oracle 11g R2 response file example

After installing the Operating System (in my case usually Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Oracle Enterprise Linux) and configuring all necessary parameters, one has to install the Oracle software. It is usually a good idea to use a response file to do this.

There are a few reasons to use a response file:

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Nagios: Simple Oracle Check

For Nagios, many, many Oracle plugins are available for checking database availability and performance. But if you just want to check if the instance is up and running (and not add more complexity), you can use the simple script provided here.

In an earlier post, I showed how to install SQL*Plus on Debian and based on that tutorial, I wrote a little shell script to query a database (I called it

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ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

There is always something that gets in the way. One problem I regularly stumble upon when installing a new Oracle 11g R2 installation is the following error when I try to start the database:

SQL> startup nomount;
ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

So I keep this post mainly for my own reference when installing a new database on a Linux system.

This error comes up because you tried to use the Automatic Memory Management (AMM) feature of Oracle 11g R2. Well done, but it seems that your shared memory filesystem (shmfs) is not big enough. So let’s look at the steps necessary to enlarge your shared memory filesystem to avoid the error above.

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VMWare Server 2.0: SSL Exception: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)

Last week, someone at work approached me, stating that he was unable to log into the web interface of a VMware Server machine. I was shocked to learn that we still had a VMware Server up and running. Then, I tried to log into the web interface myself and received an SSL error as well.

It turns out the machine was standing under someones desk and still had one single VM running. In order to migrate the machine to our ESXi infrastructure and fix the problem, I examined the logs on the server and found this:

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Windows Server: Install basic language IME

To install Windows Servers, we usually prepare our images with nLite, add all our required storage drivers, updates and scripts. Using nLite, we can also use our Volume License Key and automate most parts of our installations.

This way, we can provision new virtual machines within minutes from scratch and provide a minimalistic basic Windows Server installation. Unfortunately, I somehow managed only to include the “US International” keyboard layout and had to manually add the standard “Swiss German” keyboard layout (and all other basic keyboard layouts).

Normally, one would change these settings in the “Regional and Language Options” dialogue. Well, that list looked something like this:

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SQL*Plus on Debian

In this article, I will describe the steps necessary to install Oracle SQL*Plus on a Debian host. I am using Debian 6.0.5 and will install the “Instant Client” package from Oracle (version First, we will prepare the system for the installation, download the installation package, set all the necessary variables, start SQL*Plus and connect to an instance. So let’s get started…

Before we begin the package installation, we need to make sure the necessary prerequisite packages are installed. Oracle Instant Client requires the libaio package, so let’s install that:

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Windows Server: “The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections”

When working with Windows Server and connecting to a server via Remote Desktop, one might stumble upon the following error message:

Windows Server: The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections

It turns out that even after clicking “OK”, you will not be able to connect to the server and your session will be terminated. But how to fix this problem without physically going to the server?

Here is a screenshot:

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Hello world

My name is Simon Krenger, I am a Technical Account Manager (TAM) at Red Hat. I advise our customers in using Kubernetes, Containers, Linux and Open Source.


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