Oracle example schema for MySQL

Anyone who has worked with Oracle has encountered the Oracle “hr” schema in one way or another. The Oracle example schema provides a few simple tables with example data to test out some queries or learn SQL.

So when working with MySQL, I like to have the same schema as well. Luckily, Andrei Ciobanu feels the same way and he provides a wonderful adaptation of this sample schema for MySQL on his website: HR Schema for MySQL and Maria DB.

The SQL script for the schema can be found on GitHub: nomemory/hr-schema-mysql (or in my fork: simonkrenger/hr-schema-mysql).

Thank you Andrei!


So here is another post I keep mainly for my own reference, since I regularly need to gather new schema statistics. The information here is based on the Oracle documentation for DBMS_STATS, where all the information is available.

So if you want to COMPUTE the statistics (which means to actually consider every row and not just estimate the statistics), use the following syntax:

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WMIC on Linux examples

In a previous post I showed how to install the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) client for Linux (wmic). In this post, I wish to show a few ways on how to query a Windows-based host using the WMI client.

Using WQL, we can query almost any aspect of the Operating System. Using the available WMI Classes (for example the WMI Win32 Classes), we can easily query performance indicators such as Memory Usage, Disk Usage or the status of a certain process.

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LIGHTTPD: Google+ Redirection

Lately, I have seen a few personal sites that redirect /+ to the personal Google+ profile. I thought “What a good idea!”. Sadly, my quick search on Google itself only showed how to do it with Apache (see here for example). Since I am using lighttpd this obviously does not work for me.

So here is how to do it with lighttpd:

$HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)krenger\.ch" {
        # Redirect /+ to Google+
        url.redirect = ( "^/\+" => "")

Hello world

My name is Simon Krenger, I am a Technical Account Manager (TAM) at Red Hat. I advise our customers in using Kubernetes, Containers, Linux and Open Source.


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